6 Benefits Of Personal Care Homes For Seniors

As family members age, their needs change. Tasks that were once simple can become difficult or even overwhelming. Perhaps the seniors have difficulty grasping pan handles, or maybe they're forgetful enough to leave the stovetop on overnight.

If your aging family member doesn't need intensive or specialist care, a personal care home might be the ideal solution. These residences consist of private and semi-private rooms often run by private families also living in the home. Here are some of the benefits of personal care homes for seniors:

1. The Families Provide Board

Food preparation is one of the big issues that plagues senior citizens. Whether they suffer from the above ailments or they're simply too tired to cook regularly, mealtime is one of the first self-care tasks to go. Personal care homes provide full board, and they can usually honor dietary restrictions so your senior family member is guaranteed regular, nourishing meals.

2. The Homes Have Safety Features

Mobility is another issue that affects senior citizens. Sometimes they don't move as fast as they used to, or sometimes they need a cane, walker, or wheelchair. Personal care homes offer most of the same features as full-fledged senior living homes. These safety features include grab bars, wheelchair ramps, safety rails, and emergency call buttons.

3. Seniors Don't Get as Lonely

As Senior Lifestyle Magazine points out, senior citizens sometimes become lonely. They don't work anymore, and family members with jobs might find day-to-day demands too taxing for regular visiting. A personal care home usually houses between two to ten seniors, affording your family member many opportunities for interaction.

4. The Families Might Organize Trips

Along with loneliness, senior citizens often get bored. If they're unable to drive, they may be limited in the outside activities they can enjoy. Some personal care homes organize activities for their senior residents. These activities depend on the home and location, but they can often be customized to suit the residents. Organizers might even be amenable to personal outings.

5. The Homes are More Personal

One of the biggest advantages of personal care homes is just that — they're personal. Your senior family member is living in a house, not a large-scale facility. As noted, the homeowners often live in the home, too, so they're on-site for all of your loved one's needs.

6. Seniors Can Get Regular Medical Care

Most personal care homes don't rise to the level of nursing or memory care homes. However, they can assist your senior family member with taking medications. They can also help them make and reach doctor's appointments.

When your loved one needs extra care, consider a personal care facility.

About Me

Making an Important Move

About seven years ago, my grandmother’s oxygen suddenly dropped dangerously low. Sadly, this event negatively affected her mind. Because she could no longer care for herself, my aunt decided to move my grandmother into her house. My aunt quickly concluded my grandmother needed more help than she could provide. So, she put my grandmother in a nearby nursing home. At the nursing facility, my grandmother was treated with respect and dignity. She also received the extensive, physical care she needed. On this blog, I hope you will discover the many benefits of moving an elderly loved one into a nursing home.

