Three Reasons a Skilled Nursing Facility Makes Sense After a Major Stroke

After a major stroke, you will need to make decisions regarding the ongoing care of your loved one. Although you might want them to return to their home, a skilled nursing home is usually the better option, even if it is temporary. Below are a few reasons why your loved one might be better off in a nursing home following their stroke. 

Caregiver Limitations

Many people who assume the caregiver role after a loved one has a major stroke may have underestimated the amount of care their loved one needs. If your loved one has suffered paralysis or other physical limitations after their stroke, the physical demands of caring for them are often impossible for someone without adequate the training or tools. Unfortunately, the inability to adequately care for your loved one physically can take a further toll on their health and make it difficult for them to recovery. Additionally, it could possibly contribute to new problems, such as infected pressure ulcers. When your loved one experiences a dramatic change in their health, it is often better for them to be in a professional environment that is better equipped to handle complex needs.

Dietary Changes

Your loved one may need significant changes to their diet, both for health reasons and because their ability to eat and drink can change after a stroke. If your loved one has underlying health conditions that have contributed to a stroke, a professional care setting will likely want them to eat a diet that is more heart-healthy, has less sugar, and contains fewer processed foods. In the home environment, even with assistance from an in-home care provider, it may be difficult to keep your loved one on a healthier diet. It is common for family members to feel guilted into giving their loved one unhealthy food, even though they know better.

When the swallowing reflex is affected by a stroke, liquids need to be thickened to prevent choking or aspiration and some solid foods might be difficult to consume. In a skilled nursing facility, your loved one can be monitored for changes that might indicate they are not gaining enough nutrition from their new diet or that medical intervention is needed to maintain nutrition.

Access to Rehabilitation

Skilled nursing facilities frequently have a wide range of rehabilitation professionals to help your loved one recover lost functions after a stroke or at least improve their current situation. In addition to ongoing physical rehabilitation, your loved one may need help learning basic skills, such as bathing, dressing, and eating, and their cognitive functions could be adversely affected by the stroke and require intervention. In addition to structured rehabilitation, interacting with residents and caregivers can help improve cognitive skills and reduce the risk of depression after a stroke. Caregivers at the facility will likely notice any changes in your loved one that might indicate they need assistance from a mental health professional, which is common when people go through drastic changes in their functioning.

Although you want your loved one to return home after a major stroke, it is not always the right decision. A skilled nursing facility can provide the vast and complex care your loved one needs on the road to post-stroke recovery.

About Me

Making an Important Move

About seven years ago, my grandmother’s oxygen suddenly dropped dangerously low. Sadly, this event negatively affected her mind. Because she could no longer care for herself, my aunt decided to move my grandmother into her house. My aunt quickly concluded my grandmother needed more help than she could provide. So, she put my grandmother in a nearby nursing home. At the nursing facility, my grandmother was treated with respect and dignity. She also received the extensive, physical care she needed. On this blog, I hope you will discover the many benefits of moving an elderly loved one into a nursing home.

