What You Need To Know About Stair Lift Batteries

Stair lifts have a battery-operated option, which means they'll still work if there is a power outage. However, like other batteries, there's a limit to how long they can go before they drain during an outage, and to how long they can go before they need to be changed. Surprisingly, many people don't take the time to learn about the warning signs of a failing battery, nor do they prepare for that eventual issue. If you take the time now to learn what to look for and what to do, you'll be ready—and a failing battery won't be so alarming.

Most Have Alarms

Speaking of alarms, most stair lift batteries have alarms that start to beep when the battery has lost most of its power. How long you have between the beginning of the beeping and the actual complete loss of power varies by company. However, it is best to change the battery once the beeping begins; if nothing else, that will stop the annoying beeping. If you have a stair lift that you use occasionally (e.g., some days you can walk up and down the stairs while on others you need the help of the chair), do not remove the battery to stop the beeping, thinking that you'll replace it soon. You just know that will end up with you forgetting until you actually need to use the chair.

Look for Long-Life Batteries

As you consider stair lift brands, look for those that use batteries with as long a life span as possible. You'll find a lot of factors affect how much use you really get out of the battery, and that means that you want the battery itself to offer as much power as possible to counter all those factors that would drain the battery quickly.

Practice Changing the Battery Early

When you get the stair lift installed, practice changing the battery so that you know what to expect. When you've got a stair lift that is about to stop working, and you are changing the battery for the first time, any bit of difficulty can seem a lot bigger because of the pressure. Practice changing the battery beforehand, though, and you'll be aware of any oddities (like a cover that's tough to remove) and also know how to deal with them.

Stair lifts are very helpful, but you have to be sure the battery power is always ready to go. The key to this is understanding when and how to change the battery.

About Me

Making an Important Move

About seven years ago, my grandmother’s oxygen suddenly dropped dangerously low. Sadly, this event negatively affected her mind. Because she could no longer care for herself, my aunt decided to move my grandmother into her house. My aunt quickly concluded my grandmother needed more help than she could provide. So, she put my grandmother in a nearby nursing home. At the nursing facility, my grandmother was treated with respect and dignity. She also received the extensive, physical care she needed. On this blog, I hope you will discover the many benefits of moving an elderly loved one into a nursing home.

