Create A Cozy And Safe Area Inside Of Your Mother's Living Unit

When your mother moves into an assisted living facility, she will be provided with personal living quarters that may be less spacious than the home that she currently resides in. Although a smaller area may seem challenging to work with, you can successfully create a cozy and safe area for your mom to relax by adding personal touches and functional items to the space.

Add An Ensemble Of Furnishings And Accessories

If your mother has a television inside of her unit, place a recliner and ottoman that doubles as a storage chest in front of it. An ottoman that is covered with fabric and that has a removable lid will provide your loved one with ample space to store reading materials, sewing supplies, or other items that she may be interested in using while she listens to or watches one of her favorite television programs.

Place a small table next to the chair and secure a remote control holder to the table's surface. The holder will remind your mom to place the remote control inside of it when it is not being used so that the device does not become lost.

Create a list of television programs and the channels and times that they come on. Laminate the list and set the list next to the remote control holder so that your mom can refer to it when she wishes. Place a telephone within reach so that your mother can call a caregiver if she needs assistance. Set a walker along the side of the recliner so that your mother is provided with aid when she would like to get in or out of the chair.

Purchase An Audio Player And Scented Candles

An audio player and recordings of a trickling brook or ocean waves will soothe your mom and could help her fall asleep. Store the player and the recordings inside of a bureau drawer or bedside table. Request that your mother listens to each of the recordings and tells you which ones she prefers the most so that you can purchase additional recordings that are similar if she would like to have more options to choose from.

Purchase battery-operated scented candles so that your mother can focus on the scents when she is feeling preoccupied. The scent of fresh-baked apple pie or tropical flowers may help your mother focus on a specific event in her life that brought her happiness. Set the candles next to your mom's bed or on the table that is part of the furniture ensemble that is in front of the television set. 

Contact a facility, like The Hollinger Group, for more tips.

About Me

Making an Important Move

About seven years ago, my grandmother’s oxygen suddenly dropped dangerously low. Sadly, this event negatively affected her mind. Because she could no longer care for herself, my aunt decided to move my grandmother into her house. My aunt quickly concluded my grandmother needed more help than she could provide. So, she put my grandmother in a nearby nursing home. At the nursing facility, my grandmother was treated with respect and dignity. She also received the extensive, physical care she needed. On this blog, I hope you will discover the many benefits of moving an elderly loved one into a nursing home.

