3 Activities That May Help Your Loved One Who Has Alzheimer's

When a senior develops Alzheimer's, watching him or her regress can be overwhelming and sad. At some point, a person with Alzheimer's will most likely need full-time care, and this is achieved easiest by moving him or her into a nursing home or senior care facility like Alta Ridge Communities. As your parent makes this move and struggles with the symptoms of Alzheimer's, there might be some things you can do to make your visits with him or her more pleasurable. Here are three things you could try.

Reminisce About Memories

One key characteristic of people with Alzheimer's is the inability to know what is going on now but the ability to remember the past. This may make it difficult for you to talk to your parent about current events when you visit, but you may find better luck by talking about things from long ago.

Reminiscing with your parent might bring contentment and satisfaction to him or her, and you might even get to hear some interesting stories about your parent's childhood or teenage years. Talking about memories can also boost a senior's self-esteem and make him or her feel more valuable and important.

While you are visiting your parent, ask him or her questions about the past. Talk about the town your parent grew up in or the school he or she attended. Ask questions about school, friends, and life in the past. As you do this, you might find that your visits are more enjoyable.

Play Music While You Are There

Music is often considered a universal language, and it offers so many different benefits. When you play music for a person with Alzheimer's, it is often referred to as music therapy, and this is a form of therapy the nursing home might even offer to the residents. Playing music for a person with Alzheimer's can be very powerful and can even help reduce stress and slightly improve memory.

Choosing the right type of music is important if you choose to do this, and for seniors you may want to choose music from their past, classical music, or soothing jazz songs. Older songs may trigger memories in your parent, and he or she might even be able to sing along and know all the words.

If you simply play music in the background during your visits, you may see an improvement in the quality of your visits and in your parent's mood, actions, and attitude.

Offer A Doll To Your Parent

In some cases, people with Alzheimer's find stress-relief and pleasure by holding and caring for a doll. While this is primarily something female seniors may want to do, male residents may also find pleasure in holding a doll. If you have ever visited a nursing home and noticed people holding dolls, they are doing this for a reason. Holding a doll can make a senior with Alzheimer's feel safe and more secure. The person may also feel a sense of pleasure by feeling "needed" by the doll.

If you are not sure if you parent would like this, offer a doll to him or her, and give your parent a blanket with the doll. If your parent starts hugging the doll, rocking it, or caring for it, you will know that this is beneficial for him or her. While you are visiting, your parent might be happier while holding this doll, and the good news is that your parent can keep the doll with him or her all the time, and this could make your parent's life just a little better.

Watching your parent suffer with Alzheimer's is not easy, but you might be able to make it more enjoyable by using these activities. If you would like more information about this, contact a nursing home or assisted living facility today. 

About Me

Making an Important Move

About seven years ago, my grandmother’s oxygen suddenly dropped dangerously low. Sadly, this event negatively affected her mind. Because she could no longer care for herself, my aunt decided to move my grandmother into her house. My aunt quickly concluded my grandmother needed more help than she could provide. So, she put my grandmother in a nearby nursing home. At the nursing facility, my grandmother was treated with respect and dignity. She also received the extensive, physical care she needed. On this blog, I hope you will discover the many benefits of moving an elderly loved one into a nursing home.

